Character Classes

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Class Changes

In Traykon some classes have altered abilities or requirements than other campaign worlds. These changes are sometimes minor or "cosmetic" but other times they may change the playability of the class. While it may be tempting to allow a player to play a "standard" version of a class in Traykon, such actions can have unforseen consequenses in long term game play. Over the course of multiple adventures, classes which don't belong can run afoul of the campaign world in unpredictable ways including gaining unpresidented powers and abilities or by becoming unplayble do to disadvantages.

Barbarian A Barbarian can only be chosen as a starting class. Those who wish to attain levels in Barbarian must instead take levels in Berserker At first level they gain the use of Totemic Magic and have one totem animal without taking the Totemic Magic Feat.
Bard This class is subject to T'lor's Curse.
Magus This class is subject to T'lor's Curse. Chosing this class makes the player instantly disliked, distrusted, and in many places wanted as if they were a criminal should their nature be discovered.
Sorcerer This class is subject to T'lor's Curse. Chosing this class makes the player instantly disliked, distrusted, and in many places wanted as if they were a criminal should their nature be discovered.
Summoner This class is subject to T'lor's Curse. Chosing this class makes the player instantly disliked, distrusted, and in many places wanted as if they were a criminal should their nature be discovered.
Witch This class is subject to T'lor's Curse. Chosing this class makes the player instantly disliked, distrusted, and in many places wanted as if they were a criminal should their nature be discovered.
Wizard This class is subject to T'lor's Curse. Wizards are so rare that they should not be considered a choice for most campaigns. Spellbooks and Scrolls for Wizards are virtually nonexistant so gaining new spells is difficult and very limited. Chosing this class makes the player instantly disliked, distrusted, and in many places wanted as if they were a criminal should their nature be discovered.

General Note: Arcane spellcasters are all subject to T'lor's Curse.

New Classes

Traykon has some unique classes which have are different enough from the core classes to not be considered Archetypes. There exists also a few classes which could fit on the Archetype list for a class but requires special mention here and will be listed as a separate class themselves.


Members of this class have been inhabited with the spirit of The Red One. The rage ability is considered a curse.


Elite members of Grey Elf society who are special guardians of their lands.


The special law enforcers of Yarra, granted by Tyr with the divine duty of guarding that kingdom against evil from within.

Knights of Thorne

Holy warriors invested by the demigod Jharlamak with the duty of protecting arcane casters from the forces of T'lor.

Order of Ash

Special holy assassins sworn to the service of Kalivasha,

Order of Dust

Priests of Kalivasha, they are granted a unique ability unlike anything granted to clerics of another deity.


Warriors of T'lor, they have been granted special powers which allow them to destroy arcane objects and casters.


This class is subject to T'lor's Curse. Spell-casters of this class have learned to manipulate the building blocks of the universe.


The shaman is a spiritual advisor found primarily in primitive, countryside, and wilderness settings.


This servant of The Unnamed One is a specialized "anti-paladin" for Traykon.


A variant Paladin in the service of Aragon which channels amazing destructive power.

Prestige Classes

Prestige classes in Traykon suffer the same restrictions and considerations which apply to other classes.


Warriors abound in the savage realms of the Orc tribes. Sometimes elite warriors rise from the hoards and champion their clans on the fields of battle. The Clan Chosen are among the strongest of those warriors. Chosen at manhood for their great size and strength, they are given secret mental training allowing them to focus their energies into great, powerful blows.

Dwarven Dragonslayer

Dwarven racial class that is only available to a specific background.

Sacred Prostitute

Some deities are concerned with the physical and emotional health of their followers to such an extent that they have sexual rites or other sexual activity performed a a manner of religious worship. While some refer to the practitioners of these rites as having "sacred sex" (due to payment not always being involved) most people refer to those who follow this path by the derogatory term prostitutes.

Wolf Rider

Halfling racial class available to the sole Halfling group left in Traykon.

Monster Classes

These classes and prestige classes are unique to monstrous races. They are NOT for player characters unless the players are allowed to play the monstrous race.

Possessor Spirit

This class is open to any Evil Outsider with 3 or more Hit Dice. This allows the outsider to gain the ability to possess items and individuals as it gains levels in this class. Evil Outsiders who already have some form of Possession do not need this class and gain no benefits from taking levels in this class. These levels are treated as normal multi-class levels for all purposes.

Primal Troll

Kalou trolls can surrender to the curse or be overwhelmed by their heritage. This de-evolution is treated as Primal Troll levels. When the troll character is prepared to advance in their chosen class, they can instead advance in a level of Primal Troll. These levels are treated as normal multi-class levels for all purposes.

Class Extras

Over the years I have gathered together a lot of resources that can be used to expand the quality of play for various classes. This information goes back to AD&D 2nd Edition so that information will be out of date. Where it has been updated, I will include a link back to the original document where available.


Bard Equipment: A listing of common and not so common musical instruments.
Masterwork Instruments: Some rules and information about superior grade musical instruments and how they can affect professions.


Totemic Magic: Those raised in barbaric cultures are taught the use of this mystical enhancement. Although other classes close to nature can learn this magic, it is inherent for those living in barbaric cultures. Unlike other forms of magic, this method requires only a close affiliation with nature and nature spirits and is not reliant on any inherent abilities of the user.


Orders: The order grants the cavalier or samurai a number of bonuses, class skills, and special abilities. In addition, each order includes a number of edicts that they must follow.


Animal Companions: An animal companion’s abilities are determined by the druid’s level and its animal racial traits.
Drake Companions: Drakes are brutish lesser kindred of true dragons. Though they aren’t particularly intelligent, drakes’ significantly faster breeding allows their kind to survive in harsh environments.
Accursed Companions: What happens to companions who die a gruesome death? Sometimes they come back....
Animal Choices: A quick reference table of possible regular animal companions.
Animal Companion Descriptions: An expanded list of animal companions and their statistics.
Controlling Companions: Information on how (and who) controls animal companions.
Magical Beast Companions: More powerful and nonstandard companions.
Plant Companions: Companions who are perfect for those druids who are concerned with vegetation.
Vermin Companions: Although rare, some gravitate to insect hoards as their chosen companions.
Reviving And Replacing Companions: What happens when a companion dies and should you try to get them back.
The 9: All druids of Traykon are part of a loose structure. The kingdom of Kashagar is ruled by a druid council known as The 9. These druids are the supreme council of druids in the entirety of Traykon. Due to the nature of druids however, this link is mostly symbolic as individual druids seldom get directives from The 9.


Advanced Weapon Training: Highly skilled and experienced fighters can gain advanced weapon training, learning techniques and applications of the weapon training class feature that give them special benefits in exchange for specializing in a smaller number of fighter weapon groups.
Piecemeal Armor: Rules and guidelines for using pieces of different types of armor.


Cleric Equipment: A listing of Ceremonial Tools, Reliquaries, Sacred Oils, and Temple Supplies that are useful for a cleric to round out their non-adventuring life.
Domains: Each domain grants a number of domain powers, dependent upon the level of the cleric, as well as a number of bonus spells.


Paladin Archetype: These variants on the Paladin class have been tested and play in Traykon. Certain deities favor their paladins become specific Archetypes or forbid theirs from becoming others.
Divine Bond Variants: Although all paladins commune with divine forces and celestial spirits, some are able to do so in ways that transcend the typical martial blessing or celestial servitor.
Sacred Orders: These groups go beyond the Archetype and grant abilities and a new ethos for the paladins to follow.
Inquisition: Inquisitions are intended for inquisitors, not for other classes that give access to domains. While a cleric or other domain-using class can select an inquisition in place of a domain (if appropriate to the character’s deity), inquisitions do not grant domain spell slots or domain spells, and therefore are much weaker choices for those classes. These other classes use the appropriate class level as their inquisitor level for the purpose of inquisition granted powers (clerics use their cleric level as their inquisitor level, and so on).


Accursed Companions: What happens to companions who die a gruesome death? Sometimes they come back....
Animal Choices: A quick reference table of possible regular animal companions.
Animal Companions: An animal companion’s abilities are determined by the ranger’s level and its animal racial traits.
Animal Companion Descriptions: An expanded list of animal companions and their statistics.
Controlling Companions: Information on how (and who) controls animal companions.
Drake Companions: Drakes are brutish lesser kindred of true dragons. Though they aren’t particularly intelligent, drakes’ significantly faster breeding allows their kind to survive in harsh environments.
Magical Beast Companions: More powerful and nonstandard companions.
Plant Companions: Companions who are perfect for those rangers who are concerned with vegetation.
Reviving And Replacing Companions: What happens when a companion dies and should you try to get them back.
Vermin Companions: Although rare, some gravitate to insect hoards as their chosen companions.


Monk Archetypes: These unique Monk Archetypes are modifications to the Monk class that give special abilities or alternate features to the class. These changes are often significant but not enough to justify an entirely new class.


Poison and Disease: This optional system presents progression tracks for diseases and poisons that cause the victim’s situation to become increasingly worse.
Sample Poisons: Simple samples to be used with the optional system above.
Poison: The rules and information about poisons and their usage.
Rogue Talents: As a rogue gains experience, she learns a number of talents that aid her and confound her foes.
Rogue Equipment: A listing of useful items for a Rogue to augment their adventurer's pack.
Tricks of the Trade: Gear and equipment that allows rogues to get a leg up with their skills and abilities.
Ninja Tricks: As a ninja continues her training, she learns a number of tricks that allow her to confuse her foes and grant her supernatural abilities


Arcane Discovery: High level spellcasters who gain bonus feats can select these discoveries in place of the Bonus Feat.
Arcane School: Almost every spell belongs to one of eight schools of magic. A school of magic is a group of related spells that work in similar ways. A small number of spells are universal, belonging to no school.
Familiars: A familiar is an animal chosen by a spellcaster to aid him in his study of magic.
Mage Equipment: Expanded information on Staff, Arcane Armor, Spellcaster's Lab, and Spell Components.
Spellbooks: Mostly the domain of Wizards, spellbooks are the repositories of arcane knowledge and abilities.
The Net Libram of Random Magical Effects: This document was created for 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons but it is an exhaustive list of Random or Wild magic effects. This file came to me originally as a Word document but I had so many requests to convert it to a universal format that I converted it to PDF. There are approximately 10,000 magical effects contained in the list. The proper use of the file is to roll 4 d10 and consult the table. Effects range from merely temporary cosmetic all the way to campaign effecting permanent effects. For those who want to include random effects or wild magic in their campaign this is a wonderful resource.
The Net Libram of Random Magical Effects v2: A madcap successor to the previous volume, this edition describes another 10,000 chaotic effects to amuse, vex, and inconvenience even the most circumspect of spellcasters. Never again will mages unleash a spell with the same carefree abandon.