Extras and Articles

From Traykon Campaign Setting

Some items and information used by the Campaign don't seem to fit into any easy category or are large enough for their own section. These articles or game accessories are still important to gameplay and are included at the end of the Campaign section for ease of reference.

Cosmology The Nature of Magic
The Curse of T'lor Runes of Creation
Shadowlands Death in Traykon
The Dark Mark Kingdoms and Lands
Organizations Events and Festivals
Character Classes Feats
Important Characters Horror Atmosphere
Extras and Articles

Optional Campaign Information

Not all information within Traykon is universal. Some things can be omitted and not used by the GM as the level of detail is unimportant for most adventures.

Available Languages

These are the languages found in Traykon. Although other languages might arise due to extra-planar visitors, these are the established languages which persist. Regional dialects and variants are possible, but still they conform to the basic base language so that individuals who speak the core language can understand variants.

Timekeeping in Traykon

Months of Traykon

The basic necessity for months is not always important when an adventure only spans days or weeks. Some players don't care about time keeping at all and the GM can mark time however they please. This document explains how the months are named, organized, and the number of days for each.

Basic Timekeeping

GMs are encouraged to use their own method of keeping time. There is however a specific hourly convention as well as traditional way of marking the days.

Creation Myths

Different cultures and religions have different stories of the creation of Traykon. While all profess to be correct, none are willing to accept the possibility that the answer is unknown.


Lycanthropes are humanoids with the ability to turn into animals and animal-humanoid hybrid shapes. Natural lycanthropes are born with this ability and have perfect control over their shapechanging. Afflicted lycanthropes contract this ability like a curse or disease from another lycanthrope; they sometimes change form involuntarily.


In Traykon, there are hundreds of nomadic groups who fight for pay that fall under the heading of mercenary bands. A few of those groups grow in both strength and reputation into a respectable or feared fighting force who rulers and merchants alike court for protection and assistance. Some of these groups sale their swords to the highest bidder and some are more discerning in their choice of employers.


The rules and information about poisons and their usage.

Undead Plague

This fel plague is the most devastating curse of The Unnamed One beset upon the living. From the early stirings of unquiet undead, to the rise of a full necropolis, it becomes a race against time to stop the infestation before all hope is lost.

Expanded Rules

Manufacturing Armor

The manufacture of armor required skill, and was an extension of the art of the blacksmith. Armor was made to be lightweight and flexible, stories of knights being lowered into the saddle by crane and being immobilized by the weight of their armor are greatly exaggerated. Even in the late medieval period, when knights wore heavy full plate, a trained man could vault into the saddle fully armored and could move on foot almost as easily as the footman in his chain hauberk.

The Complete Guide To Sanity

The Complete Guide To Sanity was originally a netbook created for 2nd Edition D&D. I've altered the netbook to fit in Pathfinder. An original copy of the netbook can be found HERE

Undead Guide

The Guide to Undead was originally created by Lenard Lakofka for 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons. I first came across the article and began using the contents shortly before 3rd edition came out and I have adapted the general information over time to the different versions for the campaign. It is now usable for Pathfinder or any other RPG since most specific spell information has been removed. What remains of specific spells and abilities are easily translated to other game systems.

Undead Age Categories

Since many players learn the exact statistics of monsters over time, I wanted to add in some flavor to undead encounters. Thus arrived the Undead Age Categories in my campaigns.

Netbook of Ghosts

This was a good resource defining the different types of ghosts that can be encountered in a campaign. Most people think of ghosts as simply a monster or template. This document expands upon the legends and gives a little extra options for flavor. The original document was in Word 97 format so this is a reproduction of the original.

The Net Libram of Random Magical Effects v1.20

This document was created for 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons but it is an exhaustive list of Random or Wild magic effects. This file came to me originally as a Word document but I had so many requests to convert it to a universal format that I converted it to PDF. There are approximately 10,000 magical effects contained in the list. The proper use of the file is to roll 4 d10 and consult the table. Effects range from merely temporary cosmetic all the way to campaign effecting permanent effects. For those who want to include random effects or wild magic in their campaign this is a wonderful resource.

The Net Libram of Random Magical Effects v2

A madcap successor to the previous volume, this edition describes another 10,000 chaotic effects to amuse, vex, and inconvenience even the most circumspect of spellcasters. Never again will mages unleash a spell with the same carefree abandon.


Traps are a common danger in dungeon environments. From gouts of white-hot flame to hails of poisoned darts, traps can serve to protect valuable treasure or stop intruders from proceeding. All traps—mechanical or magical—have the following elements: CR, type, Perception DC, Disable Device DC, trigger, reset, and effect. Some traps might also include optional elements, such as poison or a bypass.

Item Information

The Complete Crossbow

Based off of the Simon Gibbs AD&D document "The Complete Crossbow" Version 2.0 January 7, 2000. This adaptation has been updated to Pathfinder rules with corrections and formatting applied. The original text is retained where possible and the AD&D document can be found here: File:The Complete Crossbow.pdf.


Call Mephit

This spell is used by those who want to bargain with a lesser elemental being. Sometimes spellcasters summon them as Familiars or Companion Spirits.

Storm of Wrath

The Storm of Wrath is a spell created by the druids of Traykon in defense of Kashagar. This spell has no level as it is both a ritual spell and a divine miracle that can only be cast with the direct aid of a nature deity or the will of the land.

Character Fluff

Alternate Ritual Magic

This system was worked out originally in 2000 for 3rd Edition and was later updated to 3.5 D&D. I allowed it's usage in Traykon even up to the conversion to Pathfinder. After which though, a slightly easier system came out and I abandoned this for the Occult Ritual rules (slightly modified). I am keeping this system here for reference and if anyone wishes to utilize it.

The Game of Tarok

Tarok is a card game played almost exclusively by nobles. The game is based on Tarot cards which allows players of the game to also use their cards for divination and many other uses. Some (secret) societies will sometimes use Tarot cards as calling cards or as part of a complex code instead of for the game. Other uses of the cards are possible and will be covered in other sections. This section is just on the complicated process of the game.

Example Guild Contract

Some campaigns have the players as part of an "adventuring troupe" who are bound by contract. These people either act under the authority of a guild or some other statutory authority that gives them quasi-legality to act outside the normal rules of civilization.


These symbolisms have been excerpted from W. Cecil Wade's The Symbolisms of Heraldry or A Treatise on the Meanings and Derivations of Armorial Bearings. Published in London in 1898.


Simple rules on finding and maintaining a mining operation.

Behind the Scenes

Elder Gods

This is a basic story of the true origins of the universe and nature of reality. Within is the story of the Elder Gods, the rise of the deities, and information on the real purpose of Traykon. Also included is information about the theorized End Game of the Elder Gods. This information isn't for players but is instead included to explain some of the world building structure behind Traykon as well as to allow other Game Masters to conform their content within Traykon to the hidden realities.


In the farthest northwestern point of the continent is an island connected by a narrow isthmus that is underwater most of the year. A wall of force and magic was erected eons ago by a long dead civilization to isolate the island from any who would attempt to approach. In the time of the greater magics, wards rivaling divine power were worked into the spells that isolate this island and cut it off from the rest of the world. Behind the walls of magic dwell the lands of the Harrowed.