History of Dragons

From Traykon Campaign Setting
Dragons of Traykon History of Dragons
Dragon Races Known Paragons

During the genesis of Traykon, Morval brought four dragons into the world to guard his temple while he worked. These dragons were gigantic black monstrosities brought from Morval's home world. Being long lived, they were perfect for his burgeoning world. He provided sustenance for his guardians via magic, applied a compunction against mating, and allowed for them to sleep for centuries without succumbing to their biological needs. So began the long sleep of the guardians. For centuries Morval's magical workshop churned night and day, producing items of immense power. Millinia passed when Morval felt the magic in his forge begin to diminish. Two of the great dragons were dead, the years having finally caught up with them and robbing them of vitality. A third lay dying, his body desiccated and mind lost in eternal dementia. The final dragon, Kel'volori, stood tall and firm before Morval. His body had grown strong through an eon's rest, his mind sharper than steel, and his magic strong enough to effect the area around the temple. Somehow primal energies had entered the realm through the ancient blood of dragon-kind and made the remaining guardian a power unto himself.

At this time Traykon had already been expanded and grown to a rather large area. Morval visited strange worlds and coaxed more dragons into his realm. Before long, hundreds of dragons populated the realm, ruled over by Kel'volori, so the dormant magic in their blood would power Morval's forge. Having learned from the fate of his guardians, Morval teased from the void primal energies that infused the dragons of Traykon. These dragons were altered and soon became more powerful than their cousins from their various home worlds. This was the true Age of Dragons.

Morval was not finished with his world but here he left the dragons to fend for themselves. As only a godling can do, he ripped a piece of Arcadia free and rooted it's magic deep into Traykon. Elemental gateways were forged and hundreds of life forms spread across Traykon. Civilizations rose and fell before the Dragons finally noticed the power gathered together by these small creatures. For the first time in memory, dragons looked to the lesser races as something other than a source of food.

Humans came as supplicants to many of the powerful dragons seeking arcane power. For different reasoning, many dragons took over leadership of large areas in as payment for sharing their power. Before long, dragons were the rulers of mortal kingdoms. Using their peerless magic and fear generated by their presence, they helped the human kingdoms build wonders never dreamed of before.

Drawn into the lives of the lesser races, it wasn't long until the dragons began to war one another. The time of the first Dragon War began. Segments of humans rebelled against dragon rule and drove the dragons out of ruling positions. For years the dragons disdained humans and through the generations an innate enmity grew between the two races.

One day came when the humans were not the only powerful race on Traykon. The other races built kingdoms of their own and mixed with the humans. New gods entered Traykon and eventually mortal magic surpassed that of dragon-kind. In their arrogance, they even sought to challenge the gods. Kel'volori, still guarding Morval's temple, was released from his service and told to rally dragon-kind to fight these mortals and destroy their great achievements. The second Dragon War began as the powerful dragons brought their strength to bear against mortal spell casters and the champions of their wealthy kingdom.

Instead of dispersing the races that fell before them, they subjugated these kingdoms to return to their earlier time of dominance. Kel'volori was angered by the arrogance of these dragons in ignoring his divine message and returned to Morval's temple. Dragons and mortals angered the gods. The gods warred between themselves using these kingdoms as proxies. Magic nearly beyond control was being used with frequency. This led to the Great Cataclysm, during which time the very land itself was tortured and rent asunder.

Kel'volori emerged from Morval's temple wielding godlike power. True immortality was denied to all newborn dragons. His wrath extended further by drawing magic away from dragon-kind and consigning them to a time of a savage struggle to simply survive. By Morval's decree, Kel'volori was granted godhood above dragons and all their souls came to him after death. As a god, Kel'volori was a stern deity but also generous to those who showed him proper reference.

Thousands of generations of mortals passed before dragons again involved themselves with the major affairs of lesser races. A new kingdom had risen from the ashes of the old world. Driven by divine inspiration, dragon-kind strikes the kingdom of Teledorn with savage abandon. Although they fought back, killing many dragons, Teledorn was eventually destroyed. The power broken by dragon-strike.

Dragons do not stop with the cities of Teledorn but also start purging other cities from the land. Unforeseen to dragon-kind, the other races band together to fight against the dragons. In the far west, a kingdom of reptiles stay dragons by the thousands. Other races are less effective but still kill many hundreds of dragons. The third Dragon War ends with the Dragon Purge. The population of dragon-kind is cut to less than a quarter of their previous strength.

Still, the most powerful of dragon-kind remains alive. A new kingdom arises and asks for peace with dragon-kind. Paragon's of dragon-kind come together to discuss peace with lesser races. The largest mountain range on Traykon's western content was given over to dragon rule and renamed the Dragon Mountains so none will forget. Dragons were given an area of their own to rule on the condition that they do not rise again to strike down civilization. No dragons remained alive in Traykon's western continent but abiding by the Covenant, dragon-kind did not seek retribution instead contenting themselves with living in the east.{{Category:Traykon Unique]]