Legacy Deities

From Traykon Campaign Setting
Nature of the Gods Deities of Traykon
Monsterous Deities Elven Pantheon
Goblin Pantheon Demon Lords
High Miracles Divine Domains
Dwarf Pantheon Orc Pantheon
Lost Gods Legacy Deities

Although the following Deities are not among the gods of Traykon, due to the nature of how people are occasionally brought to Traykon these gods can find their followers in Traykon. A note for Game Masters though, if these deities manifest their avatars or extend a miracle into Traykon they become trapped. The following Deities were collected from the official D&D campaign worlds. I have created a background for these deities that allows for their inclusion in Traykon.

Elven Pantheon (3.5 Edition)

Creation stories for the Elven Pantheon vary, but the pantheon as group gained a foothold in Traykon during the time of the first great cataclysm. Widespread worship began during the Age of Darkness. With the founding of the kingdom of Teledorn the Elven Pantheon gained immense power by being the dominant religion of the magocracy. Many shrines are dedicated to the Elf Gods but their temples can only be found in large cities. Worship of these gods tends to take place in natural settings such as a sacred grove or grassy knoll.

Clerics can worship the Pantheon as a whole without paying particular devotion to any one deity over the others. These priests are normally found in small elven towns or outposts and seek the betterment of elves as a whole. Pantheon priests can be any Chaotic alignment and wear clothing the color of the seasons. They can choose any two domains that appear under any elven deity's profile.

Aerdrie Faenya
Weather Goddess
Chaotic Good Air, Chaos, Healing, Weather As goddess of the wind and storms Aerdrie Faenya is revered by all who are involved in agriculture and depend upon her good grace for their livelihood. She has few clerics but many elven druids consider her their patron goddess. Aerdrie teaches that freedom is in the blood of all elves. She also teaches that only through chaos may new life be born.
Corellon Larethian
Elf Father
Chaotic Good Chaos, Community, Creation, Good, Protection, War Corellon is the Creator of the race of Elves and the nominal leader of the Elven Pantheon. Clerics devoted to Corellon tend to wear white robes. His favored weapon is the Long Sword. He has a traditional conflict with Gruumsh and long ago cut his eye out.
Deep Sashelas
Sea God
Chaotic Good Good, Luck, Travel, Water The patron deity of Aquatic Elves. Although completely devoted to the care and protection of the seas and oceans, Deep Sashelas still answers to Corellon and abides by the wishes of the rest of the Elven Pantheon. His clerics and druids are either aquatic or live near large bodies of water. He concerns himself with the preservation of the deep as well as keeping the threats of the great dark such as the evil aquatic races in check. Those who sail or fish his waters offer prayers and gifts to please him and beseech his blessings.
Moon Goddess
Chaotic Good Chaos, Darkness, Good, Luck, Travel The youngest daughter of Corellon Larethian, Eilistraee is wild and disobedient. She revels in song and dance and enjoys watching her followers give in to their passions. Clerics of Eilistraee travel widely between elven settlements. On nights of the full moon they gather together with the faithful and dance naked under the stars.
Hanali Celanil
Romance Goddess
Chaotic Good Charm, Healing, Luck, Magic The god of beauty and love, Hanali Celanil is a vane deity who concerns himself with passion and love above all else. His clerics are often called upon to perform marriages but the deity himself is more concerned with love than the bonds of marriage itself.
Labelas Enoreth
God of Time
Chaotic Good

Artifice, Celerity, Chaos, Knowledge, Repose

Labelas Enoreth is considered the limeless master who granted the elves their long life. He is also the keeper of history. Labelas has few clerics. They are often studious keepers of lore who spend their time keeping histories of the people and salvaging knowledge for future generations.
Rillifane Rallathil
The Leaflord
Chaotic Good Air, Animal, Earth, Plant, Sun The great elven deity of nature and life, Rillifane Rallathil reveres all things in nature and holds life sacred. He is an ancient deity who predates even Corellon. Some sages believe this deity is an aspect of Yggdrasil or Silvanus but his elven clerics deny such claims.
Sehanine Moonbow
Goddess of Mystery
Chaotic Good Air, Chaos, Darkness, Luck Often called the Lady of Dreams, Sehanine is another goddess associated with the moon. Her power is said to wax and wane with the moon itself. She is the goddess of dreams, illusion, and the mysteries held within the dark of night. Her clerics are mysterious and secretive.
Solonor Thelandira
God of Hunting
Chaotic Good Animal, Earth, Strength, Trickery, War This solitary deity seldom mixes with the rest of the pantheon. Instead he is content to patrol the fringes of the elven realms ever vigilant for threats from outside. He is a favorite deity of elven rangers and his priests often find themselves far away from civilization. His favored weapon is the Longbow.

Erevan Ilesere
God of Trickery

Chaotic Neutral Chaos, Darkness, Luck, Trickery Erevan Ilesere is chaos incarnate. His delights in spreading mayhem for the sheer joy. Despite this, his pranks are seldom serious or life threatening but more of an embarrassment or annoyance. His clerics are very unorganized and seldom hold ceremonies but instead lead the faithful by example in disrupting order and frustrating the serious. Even though Erevan is so carefree and chaotic, he harbors a deep devotion to the elven race and will not tolerate stronger or oppressive forces striking against the elves.
Fenmarel Mestarine
God of Protection
Chaotic Neutral Magic, Protection, Repose, Strength Much like his brother Solonor Thelandira, Fenmarel Mestarine is a solitary deity. However, he is very cynical and an outcast from the rest of the elven pantheon by choice. He teaches through his clerics that life is harsh and full of betrayal. Only through constant vigilance and a ready hand may one evade the stroke of one's enemy. Just as his brother, he patrols the outskirts of elven lands watching for threats. His followers tend to be outcasts from the rest of elven society. He is the patron of Wild Elves and prides himself on their independence and strength. He is also considered as a funerary deity in many places. He teaches that the dead should pass to the realms beyond and is unmerciful to the undead or their masters.
God of Thieves
Neutral Evil Darkness, Luck, Travel, Trickery Dark and secretive, this elven Deity is an outcast amongst all others in the pantheon. He teaches his followers to be greedy and willing to do almost anything for personal gain. His clerics always hide their identities and his followers are typically the most vile thieves of the elven race. He is the patron of elven assassins and all those who traffic in evil in the shadows.
Goddess of Undead
Chaotic Evil Death, Destruction, Disease, Thaumaturgy Corellon's greatest failure is often considered to be his loss of Klanransalee, his oldest daughter. Corellon cursed her mortal lover for great acts of blasphemy as an undead apparition, but she joined him as a willing concubine despite his unholy form. Fleeing the rest of the pantheon for the demonic realms, she swore vengeance for her lover's state. Her priests are great necromancers who also traffic with fiends. Few elves will speak her name openly for fear of her wrath.
The Spider Goddess
Chaotic Evil Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Trickery Loth holds little power in Traykon. Although she managed to bring a small group of her children into the realm through one of the black gateways, too few of them managed the crossing to be a dominant force in the underground of Traykon. Consequently, she has expanded her efforts to coax surface elves to turn down dark pathways of treachery and betrayal.

Dwarven Pantheon (3.5 Edition)

The first Dwarves began to appear in Traykon early during the Age of Man, long before the first cataclysm. With their arrival, the Dwarven Pantheon begun to spread their influence to Traykon. It wasn't until the Guild Wars of 3015 Rhondal that the Dwarven Pantheon begun to strongly influence the workings of dwarves in Traykon. Due to some mysterious effects of the Cataclysm, the Dwarven Pantheon was greatly weakened and it wasn't until shortly after the death of the Duguer did the rest of the gods begin to feel their full power returning to Traykon.

Clerics can worship the Pantheon as a whole without paying particular devotion to any one deity over the others. These priests are normally found in small mining camps or outposts and seek the betterment of dwarves as a whole. Pantheon priests can be any Lawful alignment and wear armor and clothing the color of metal or stone. They can choose any two domains that appear under any dwarf deity's profile.

Berronar Truesilver
Goddess of Protection and Healing
Lawful Good Community, Good, Healing, Protection As Moradin's bride she is considered Queen of the Dwarven Pantheon. Her clerics are the record keepers and caregivers of dwarven communities.
Clangeddin Silverbeard
War God
Lawful Good Destruction, Good, Strength, War The God of War amongst the dwarves, Clangeddin is a fearsome deity whose clerics and followers are often seen at battle sites. Outsiders often think he is the god of berserkers but he places a great emphasis on tactics and strategy. His favored weapon is the battle


Dwarf Father
Lawful Good Artifice, Creation, Earth, Good, Law, Protection The Dwarves consider themselves Moradin's greatest creations. He is the King of the Dwarven Pantheon. His clerics can be found involved in all aspects of dwarven life. They lead by example instead of by scripture so they are well loved amongst the dwarves.
Muamman Duathal
God of Travel
Neutral Good Good, Luck, Travel Where Dugmaren Brightmantle inspires dwarves to explore under the surface, Muamman's followers stride the land beneath the sky. His clerics teach that each horizon holds new wonders to be discovered.
Dugmaren Brightmantle
God of Exploration
Chaotic Good Chaos, Artifice, Earth, Travel Moradin is more chaotic than his father Moradin would like, but his intentions and aims are always to the benefit of the dwarven people. He also is extremely inquisitive and drives his followers to create new items and innovations. His followers also explore the vast dark beneath the mountains and often come into conflict with other races.
Theldain Jadestone
Eternal Watcher
Lawful Neutral Celerity, Community, Law, Strength, Water Theldain Jadestone is the patron of the Sea Dwarves of Traykon. He is a kind and wise deity who teaches his children to be as supple as the sea mists and as strong as the storm driven waves. Theldain communicates to his clerics through omens and riddles, always encouraging his children to perfect their minds as well as their bodies.
God of Mines and Secrets
Neutral Artifice, Earth, Knowledge, Luck, Repose Dumathain serves many purposes in the lives of dwarves. He is the deity responsible for placing minerals and gems in the earth. His clerics oversee mining operations and expansion into the bowls of the earth. He is also the keeper of the dead. Dumathain keeps the souls of dead dwarves deep in the earth with him to help him place gems and minerals. Undead are vile creatures that his followers and priests will not tolerate.
(See Barak)
Neutral Artifice, Destruction, Healing, Liberation, Protection, Strength Mariak has taken his place in the Dwarven Pantheon in Traykon only in recent years. He is a deity that cannot abide slavery or oppression so he works diligently to free those of his followers who live as slaves. He is worshiped by some of the other races as a god of liberation. Unlike the rest of the Dwarfen Pantheon, he cares for other races and not just the dwarves.
God of Merchants
Neutral Charm, Artifice, Luck, Protection, Trickery A very untypical dwarven deity, Vergadain is a jovial deity who delights in pranks and jokes. He is the driving force of dwarven commerce. His clerics tend to be considered skillful negotiators and are often seen advising merchants and monarchs on trade treaties. Vergadain is a deity with a darker aspect as well. Many of his followers drive commerce by trickery and deceit, using lies and theivery to advance themselves and the dwarves cause. This deity and his clerics walk a fine line in dwarven society between revered statesmen and reviled outcasts.
God of Greed
Neutral Evil Destruction, Evil, Strength, Trickery This corrupted deity once held a high position in the pantheon. Due to his avarice though he turned against Moradin's wishes and fell from grace. He whispers in the ears of merchants and miners to take the greatest and best for themselves. Abbathor teaches that taking from others is the natural order so he is also the Dwarven patron of thieves.
God of Magic
Chaotic Evil Chaos, Destruction, Madness, Magic, Thaumaturgy Embodying the dwarven view of magic, Diirinka is an outcast from the Dwarven Pantheon for embracing the arcane arts. His clerics are few and always secretive. His followers are dwarves who have turned from the traditions of Moradin and embraced arcane magic. Diirinka pays little attention to other deities instead focusing his ambitions into driving his followers to great accomplishments of magic and creation. He teaches that all is fair in the eternal search for more power and magic. Diirinka is the patron of Derro and the entire race follow his teachings.

Gnome Deities (3.5 Edition)

Gnomes appeared in Traykon during the Age of Darkness right after the great cataclysm. Little is known of their early years in Traykon but the gnome deities have kept their followers out of most major happenings in the history of Traykon. Some attribute this noninvolvement to cowardice or weakness but others see it as a simple survival mechanism born of cunning and wisdom. Clerics can worship the Pantheon as a whole without paying particular devotion to any one deity over the others. These priests are normally found in small gnome towns or outposts and seek the betterment of gnomes as a whole. Pantheon priests can be any good alignment. They can choose any two domains that appear under any gnome deity's profile.

Gaerdal Ironhand
War God
Lawful Good Fire, Law, Protection, Strength, War In contrast to the general gnomish philosophy, Gaerdal Ironhand is a god of war amongst the industrious but gentle race of gnomes. Unlike the rest of the good gnomish deities, Gaerdal does not delight in trickery and pranks but is a stern protector of the gnome race and their warrens. His clerics are few and they erect small shrines instead of temples but they are always seen in gnome defensive forces, taking their oath to keep gnomes safe and protected through vigilance very seriously. His favored weapon is the Warhammer.
Baervan Wildwanderer
God of the Forest
Neutral Good Animal, Darkness, Earth, Magic, Plant Carefree and full of wanderlust, Baervan Wildwanderer is the patron of the Forest Gnomes. His is a deity of nature and creatures of the forests. He has a few clerics but most gnome druids follow his teachings.

Baravar Cloakshadow
God of Deception

Neutral Good Air, Luck, Darkness, Trickery Barabar Cloakshadow teaches that only through misdirection and illusion may one find security from their foes and insure their victory. He is a natural trickster and delights in causing his enemies no end of pain. His clerics are often adventurers who seek out new things and share delight in pranks and trickery with the other races.
Flandal Steelskin
God of Mining
Neutral Good Artifice, Earth, Good, Strength Flandal Steelskin is the gnomish god of mining, smithing, and industry. His clerics are the artisans and teachers of a gnome community, often serving as the keepers of history as well.
Garl Glittergold
Gnome Father
Neutral Good Community, Creation, Good, Protection, Trickery The great trickster king and creator of the race of gnome, Garl Glittergold is a flashy deity who delights in tricks and inventions. Garl's clerics serve as mediators, protectors, teachers, and artisans amongst gnomish settlements. Of all the gnome deities, Garl is by far the most approachable in that he takes great delight in seeing his children work and play on a daily basis.
Callarduran Smoothhands
God of Svirfneblin
Neutral Earth, Magic, Protection, Trickery The secretive and mysterious patron deity of the Svirfneblin, Callarduran Smoothhands concerns himself little with the affairs of other races and even with the affairs of the rest of the gnomish pantheon.
God of Greed
Chaotic Evil Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Madness Urdlen is the embodiment of all that the gnomes hate and fear. He is the great destroyer who crushes both joy and life mercilessly. Urdlen is the hoarder of wealth and the thief of dreams who takes without regard to others and hoards both knowledge and resources for his own use. His clergy is despised by the rest of the gnome pantheon and the discovery of a shrine to Urdlen leads to the owner being outcast from the community or worse.

Halfling Deities (3.5 Edition)

It is generally accepted that the Halflings of Traykon are too spread out and disorganized to be of any major significance to future events. The truth however is by Yondalla's decree most Halfling settlements have moved far away from dangerous kingdoms and rulers after the mass extermination of her children in the Empire. A certain sect within Arvoreen's clergy work with the other deities' blessing and are preparing for a time when they must fight not in defense of Halfling homelands but must strike outward at threats before they can commit a similar atrocity as befell those killed by the Yuan-Ti.

Clerics can worship the Pantheon as a whole without paying particular devotion to any one deity over the others. These priests are normally found in small Halfling hamlets and seek the betterment of Halflings as a whole. Pantheon priests can choose any two domains that appear under any Halfling deity's profile.

God of Defense
Lawful Good Healing, Law, Protection, War Arvoreen is a stern and capricious deity who expects martial excellence from his clerics and followers. He teaches that the faithful must be ever vigilant for threats and must react swiftly and skillfully to any invaders of Halfling realms. His clerics and followers train constantly in martial affairs but seldom leave Halfling lands. They prefer to be reactive instead of proactive in facing threats. Arvoreen's favored weapon is the short sword.
Hearth Goddess
Lawful Good Good, Healing, Luck, Protection Cyrrellalee is nominally worshiped by most Halflings in their daily lives. She is the guardian of Halfling homes and the matron figure of the pantheon. Cyrrellalee's clerics concern themselves with the sanctity of home and family and the keepers of the histories of the Halfling people.
Halfling Mother
Lawful Good Community, Creation, Good, Law, Protection Kind and carefree, Yondalla is said to have created the Halflings in her own image. As their mother and creator, most Halflings worship Yondalla in their daily lives without thought to specific acts of devotion. Her clerics and paladins seek to protect and provide for the Halfling race at any cost, willing to sacrifice themselves for the life of any Halfling. Few temples to Yondalla exist although almost every Halfling home and settlement has it's own shrine dedicated to the great provider.
God of Stealth
Neutral Charm, Darkness, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery Full of wanderlust and mischief, this scheming scamp is everything that the taller races dislike about Halflings. Brandobaris is a curious deity who delights in exploration and takes more enjoyment from adventures than from the rewards at their completion. He is uncaring about other's feelings or property and is just as curious about the contents of someone's purse as to their motives or beliefs. He has few clerics and most of those tend to multi-class as Rogues.
Sheela Perycoyl
Nature Goddess
Neutral Animal, Earth, Plant, Sun Sheela Perycoyl preaches harmony with nature above all else. Her worshipers include farmers, druids, rangers, and just about anyone who makes their home in the wilderness. She is a natural diplomat with her even temper and soothing mannerisms. Sheela's priests and druids are often called upon to intervene when tempers rage and the balance is upset.
God of the Dead
Neutral Earth, Magic, Repose A funerary deity whose primary roll is to watch over the souls of dead Halflings, Urogalan is a morose deity who spends little time amongst the other deities of the pantheon. His clerics oversee the internment of the dead into the earth and care for Halfling gravesites. Urogalan's domain is just below the surface of the land so he has little dealings with the living, instead focusing his cares upon the souls of the dead.

Aquatic Deities (3.5 Edition)

Deity Alignment Domains Followers Description
Water of Life
Neutral Animal, Protection, Water Locathah,
This aloof patron of the races of Locathah and Merfolk enforces the traditional values of his races' societies through his priests.
Persana Neutral Protection, Water Triton The creator of the Tritions is a protective deity who cares deeply for the welfare of his followers.
The Great Shark
Lawful Evil Evil, Law, Strength, War Sahuagin The ruthless, ever-hungry, and uncaring patron of the Sahuagin urges his followers to plunder, hunt, and dominate other undersea races.  His favored weapon is the trident.
Sea Mother
Neutral Evil Destruction, Evil, Water Kuo-Toa The patron of the aquatic Kuo-Toa hates all surface-dwelling races.  She constantly plots and plans for the time when she can strike from the dark depths to rid the world of those she sees as oppressors of her race.
Deep Old One
Neutral Evil Destruction, Evil, War, Water Krakens,
The Patron of murder confusion and subversion  is revered by many evil sea creatures.  Panzuriel is also known by many names but is especially held in reverence by Krakens as the Many-Tentacled One.

Dragon Deities (3.5 Edition)

God of the Wind
Lawful Good Air, Good, Knowledge, Luck, Protection The draconic deity of knowledge, wisdom, prophecies, and song is the patron of all good dragons. Bahamut is a wise and loving deity who looks upon all good dragons as his beloved children. He hates Tiamat for her trickery and deceit but holds firm in the belief that all creatures may be redeemed. His greatest wish is that one day his old consort will see the folly of her ways and return to his side.
The Evening Star
Neutral Death, Knowledge, Travel The god of fate, death and judgment, Chronepsis is the dispassionate deity who sees to the final disposition of draconic souls. He is a grim reminder to all dragons that despite their long lives, everything must one day cease to exist. Most dragons who pass ancient status keep at least a small shrine to Chronepsis

in acknowledgement of their eventual decline.

The Ninefold Dragon
Neutral Creation, Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Travel Io is known by many names and is the creator of all dragonkind as well as the father of the dragon gods. He is an aloof deity who watches his creations from afar, never taking a direct hand in draconic business. Instead, he sends his messenger Aasterinian to other deities when he sees that they are endangering dragonkind or have displeased him.
The Messenger
Chaotic Neutral Celerity, Chaos, Trickery Aasterinian is a trickster deity who also serves as Io's messenger to the other draconic deities. He constantly strives to upset the status quo and detests stagnation. Even though a deity, he is often found at play and is seldom serious except when delivering one of Io's demands. He is the only being with direct contact with Io, something the other dragon gods envy him for.
The Destroyer
Lawful Evil Destruction, Evil, Law, Trickery Tiamat is the self proclaimed creator of evil dragons. She is known as a cruel deity who enjoys torture and destruction. All chromatic dragons pay homage to her out of fear if not out of true reverence. She is the sworn enemy of Bahamut and seeks to foil his plans whenever possible.
Night Dragon
Neutral Evil Darkness, Death, Evil, Magic The Lord of undeath and decay is the draconic patron of necromantic arts. His followers are those who attempt to cheat death and avoid Chronepsis' final judgment. Shadow Dragons consider him their patron. Dracoliches are his chosen and the ultimate goal of his followers.

Monster Deities (3.5 Edition)

Deity Alignment Domains Followers Description
Skerrit Neutral Good Animal, Good, Plant Centaur The patron of Centaurs oversees the community and natural ballance. He is mainly concerned with protecting nature and the enjoying the hunt.
Squerrik Lawful Evil Evil, Law, Trickery Wererat Patron of the wererates, he promotes stealth and thievery.
Merrshaulk Chaotic Evil Chaos, Destruction, Evil Yuan-Ti The patron of Yuan-Ti is a very proud and discriminating deity. He only accepts yuan-ti abominations as his priests. It is generally accepted that it was Merrshaulk who was the driving force behind the creation of the Empire.
Yeenoghu Chaotic Evil Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil Gnoll The patron deity of the Gnolls is actually a powerful Tanar'ri lord who has risen in power. He is associated strongly with cannibalism and the undead.
Eater of Souls
Chaotic Evil Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil Troglodyte The patron of Troglodytes seems to have little interest in anything beyond devouring whatever is unfortunate enough to cross his path. He is the deity of gluttony and wanton destruction.
Baphomet Chaotic Evil Chaos, Evil, War Minotaur The bloodthirsty patron of the Minotaur was once a powerful Tanar'ri lord who gained enough power to reach divine status. Due to their common origin, he often has conflicts with Yeenoghu. His favored weapon is the Greataxe.