Possession Feats

From Traykon Campaign Setting
Horror Atmosphere
Possession Possession Actions
Infernal Contract Demon Possessed Creature
Possession Feats Exorcism
Corruption Haunting

Rare among common fiends, those capable of possession stand out in power above others of their kind. Mastering the ability to discorporate their forms and influence creatures and materials around them, such body thieves are masters of terror and manipulation. Typically only the most extraordinary and perverse fiends can make use of the powers of possession, learning such secrets from blasphemous masters or dark secrets of the multiverse. To represent this, fiends who increase in power beyond the common representatives of their kind gain access to the Possess Creature, Possess Location, and Possess Object feats and the host of terrible abilities they might provide.

Using these powers, even a relatively weak fiend can come to possess an area or object, while more powerful horrors might overwhelm a mortal body. Despite the similarity to mind-affecting effects, fiendish possession has more to do with the spiritual hijacking of a body or the physical corruption of objects, and thus, creatures immune to mind-affecting effects are not immune to possession (although several possession actions themselves are mind-affecting). Creatures where the body and spirit are indivisible, as is the case with most outsiders and incorporeal undead, are immune to possession effects.

Feat Name Prerequisites Benefit
Possess Location Cha 16, any evil outsider with 8 or more Hit Dice A fiend learns to disperse its essence over an area, gaining mastery over features and structures there and tainting the place with its wickedness.
Possess Object Cha 18, any evil outsider with 9 or more Hit Dice A fiend gains the power to bind its malign essence to a single object, corrupting it into a relic of undeniable evil.
Possess Creature Cha 20, any evil outsider with 10 or more Hit Dice A fiend gains the ability to merge its physical form with another creature’s body, spreading its foul influence from within a living vessel.