The Complete Guide To Sanity
This guide should not be used by anyone that the GM feels is either to young, to immature, or not a good enough role-player to handle the topics presented here. COPYRIGHT (C) 1996 All trademarks of products, company names, logos, phrases, service names, and/or slogans are trademarks of the respective companies, artists, and/or individuals, where applicable. The following guide is the property of its authors, who hereby states that they retain the copyright except for where noted. You may distribute it at will, provided that nothing in the guide, this notice, or any of the credits are altered in any way; and that you do not make a profit from it. This document is not for sale and is made available for private game use only. DISCLAIMER All contents of this guide are presented for game purposes only. Advice oriented information is not to be taken as legal consultation or legal service, but as suggestions and examples of real-world or hypothetical models. Always consult a lawyer for legal and lawful guidance. The opinions and views contained in this guide reflect those of the individual authors. The opinions, content, and organization of this document are in no way connected with the faculty and staff of any educational institute where this guide was found. Information presented here is not clinically correct. It is designed to conform to game terms and situations. The information is to fill an area of the game where a condition exists and no adequate explanation is otherwise given. |
Where capable, the text of the Netbook has been left intact. This netbook has been adapted to Pathfinder rules and formatting corrections have been made. A link to the original text can be found on the Extras and Articles section of this site. Other changes to format have been made. The above Copyright notice closely complies with the OGL license.
NOTE: Traykon does not have rules for Psyonics or Wild Talents so those sections of this guide have been removed from the conversion.
"Mental Health will drive you mad."
Long has it been that man values nothing more than his health, and the health of no organ is more important than that of the brain. What lurks in the minds of men and contorts them into who they?
Lower attributes typically have hindrances, but a character doesn't suffer to much and in fact gets by quite nicely. With the Sanity attribute, life isn't so easy. When the Sanity attribute is low, the character can quite easily become insane and insanity is awful.
A GM can give the players something to really fear. Most players are very happy with their characters. Many players feel that their characters are close to invulnerable as the characters advance in experience levels and in most incidences they are. With this attribute, the GM can give the character fighting chance on sanity, or go wacky.
Sanity (San) represents mental health. Sanity is not pertinent to any class but is beneficial to all.
As with all attribute scores, roll 3d6 to get this attribute score.
Attribute Score | Base Insanity Points | # Of Phobias | Will Save |
1 | 4 | 10 | -5 |
2 | 8 | 9 | -4 |
3 | 12 | 8 | -4 |
4 | 16 | 7 | -3 |
5 | 20 | 7 | -3 |
6 | 24 | 6 | -2 |
7 | 28 | 6 | -2 |
8 | 32 | 5 | -1 |
9 | 36 | 5 | -1 |
10 | 40 | 4 | 0 |
11 | 44 | 4 | 0 |
12 | 48 | 3 | +1 |
13 | 52 | 3 | +1 |
14 | 56 | 2 | +2 |
15 | 60 | 2 | +2 |
16 | 64 | 1 | +3 |
17 | 68 | 1 | +3 |
18 | 72 | 0 | +4 |
19 | 76 | 0 | +4 |
20 | 80 | 0 | +5 |
This is the base insanity points the character starts out with. Whenever a character recovers from an insanity, this is what his insanity points will revert to.
These adjustments applies to saving throws against magical spells that attack the mind: charm, fear, illusions, suggestion, mind-reading, etc.. These bonuses and penalties are applied automatically, without any conscious effort from the character.
GMs must decide which situations require a Sanity check. The GM should determine if a character would be so mortified by a situation that it tests his sanity. If so, the player must make a Sanity attribute check.
Culture and upbringing may determine which scenes can terrify a character into insanity. For example, an inexperienced character may go crazy on his first encounter with a lich while an experienced undead hunter will not. Some unnatural, horrific scenes that may do it to a character are a rotting pile of body parts crawling with worms and flies; twisted, perverted creatures such as powerful undead; or terrible evil beings from the Lower Planes.
Dramatic events could also make a character a little crazier. The death of a comrade or loved-one is definitely dramatic. Being resurrected is one of the most dramatic experiences a person can go through and the GM should always require a check when this happens.
If the character makes the check, then he has survived a sanity-testing experience and gets the difference of his Sanity attribute from the die roll added to his current Insanity Points. For example, Rock has a Sanity attribute of 15. The GM requires a Sanity check. The player rolls a 5 thus making the check. He adds 10 (the difference) to his current Insanity Points.
If the character fails the check, then he comes that much closer to insanity and gets the difference of his Sanity attribute from the die roll subtracted from his current Insanity Points. For example, Rock has a Sanity attribute of 15. The GM requires a Sanity check. The player rolls a 19 thus failing the check. He subtracts 4 (the difference) from his current Insanity Points.
Whenever a character's Insanity Points equals 0. He goes insane. The player must make a Sanity ability check. Failure indicates that the insanity is permanent (until cured). Success indicates that the insanity is temporary. Roll on the Insanity table.
Insanities can add spice and excitement to the game or they can totally throw it out of balance. The GM should consider the disorder and its effects on the game (not just game continuity or balance, but the player whose character will be affected).
Realize that not all people suffer in the same degree. For example two people with the exact same phobia will have the phobia to varying degrees.
The first attempts at explaining abnormal behavior was demonology. This is, abnormal behavior was caused by demon possession or evil spirits. Treatment was often by spells, incantations, potions, and psycho-surgery. A more scientific/medical model was introduced by Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.). His focus was on physical causes; namely excess of bodily fluids which he called "humors". Treatment was to drain the excess fluids by bleeding, vomiting, dieting, and holistic medicine. In the Middle Ages there was a return to demonology with the rise in the importance of religion in society. However, there was the first attempt at "humanitarian" treatment: insane asylums. They were far from humanitarian, but it was a start. The next advancement didn't occur until the 1700-1800s.
01 | Anxiety Disorders (1d8) |
02 | Cognitive-Impairment Disorders (1d10) |
03 | Dissociative Disorders (1d6) |
04 | Personality Disorders (1d8) |
05 | Psychotic Disorders (1d20) |
06 | Self Control Disorders (1d10) |
07 | Sexual Disorders (1d20) |
08 | Sleep Disorders (1d8) |
09 | Somatoform Disorders (1d4) |
01 | Generalized Anxiety |
02 | Nervous Breakdown |
03 | Obsession |
04 | Obsessive-Compulsive |
05 | Panic Disorder |
06 | Paranoia |
07 | Phobia |
08 | Post Traumatic Stress |
Generalized Anxiety
The character with this disorder worries about minor problems, and tend to magnify the extent of problems and are often pessimistic.
Nervous Breakdown
The character has a nervous breakdown. He is not "dangerous", he just needs a nice quiet place to spend some time. For humans the time needed to recuperate is typically a few months. For long-lived races like elves and dwarves the time needed to recuperate is typically a few years. The GM decides the time period need for recuperation.
The character becomes obsessed to a person, place or thing. The obsession becomes his life and it totally consumes him to the point where he ostricises his friends and family, spends all his wealth on his obsession, etc..
The character suffering from this disorder experiences recurrent obsessions and compulsions that a causes distress (anxiety), occupies much of his time which interferes with normal functioning. A compulsion is a behavior repeated in a ritualistic manner often in response to an obsession. An obsession is a persistent thought, idea, impulse, or image that causes distress and feels out of the person's control. The following is a list of the common compulsions and their related obsessions:
- Hand washing - The obsession is fear that germs are everywhere.
- Checkers - They are obsessed with being sure they did everything necessary before leaving. A person may be three hours late for an appointment because they checked and rechecked over and over.
- Rigid behavior patterns - These people will have such behavior patterns as: always putting the left boot on before the right, or put the shirt on before the pants in order for it to be right.
- Counting - These people are obsessed with counting. Taking the same amount of steps with the left foot as the right foot, counting buttons on people's shirts, et cetera.
- Cleaning - These people feel that "it's never clean enough." They are obsessed with cleaning. They are similar to checkers in many ways (see 2). Depression, avoidance behavior, and substance abuse is sometimes seen in these people for obvious reasons. This disorder is often among people in the upper socio-economic status. The course is chronic, not acute. This differs from the personality disorder of the same name because in the personality disorder you do not find the ritualistic behavior or the anxiety and distress that these people with the anxiety disorder experience (cf. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder).
Panic Disorder
The characteristic most prominent of this disorder is a panic attack. A panic attack includes intense fear and physical discomfort, fearful thoughts, many bodily sensations, and a fear of losing control. Another characteristic of this disorder is anticipatory anxiety (fear of fear), that is, they engage in avoidance behavior because they are not sure when they'll have their next panic attack.
The character becomes convinced that "they" are plotting against him, spying, listening, and always nearby. As the affliction develops over several days, the character will become convinced that everybody around is part of the plot. Conversations are about him, laughter is directed at him, and every action of former friends is aimed at deluding him so as to fulfill the "plot". The character will be principally concerned about position or goods first, but as the insanity advances, he will realize that the plotters are actually after his life. The paranoid will evidence signs of increasing suspicion and take elaborate precautions with security. In the later stages of the insanity, he will have highly irrational behavior, hire assassins to do away with "plotters", and even become homicidal in order to "protect" his life. The character will trust no one when the affliction has advanced, regarding their former close comrades and friends as their worst enemies.
Many a time will a character come upon something so strange or gruesome that it will shock the mind itself. A phobia is an intense, abnormal, or illogical fear of something. See the Phobia section to determine what phobia the character gains. An example of how a phobia can severely disrupt a person's life; a person has a phobia of snakes. He will not walk by bushes for fear that snake is hiding inside, he will not walk under trees because snakes have been known to live in trees, he will not sit down to go to the bathroom (who knows what kind of serpent is down in that hole), etc..
Post Traumatic Stress
This is generally defined at a reaction and re-experiencing of a traumatic event with symptoms of anxiety and depression. What is a traumatic event? An event that would evoke significant symptoms of distress in almost everyone; usually outside the range of normal experience (although most of an adventurer's life fits into this category). There are five symptoms which point to this insanity:
- Traumatic event outside range of normal experience (rape, floods, combat).
- Traumatic event persistently re-experienced in any of the following ways: distressing recollections of event; recurrent distressing dreams; feeling that event is happening again (flashback); intense distress at exposure to events that resemble some aspect of the trauma.
- Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma or "numbing" of general responsiveness. Avoiding thoughts and feelings about the event, or avoiding things that would remind the victim of the trauma. For example, if Rock's friends were decimated in a dragon fight and he barely escaped with his life, Rock may be apprehensive about petting his pet lizard (he might kill the poor beast as a result of the trauma). "Numbing" refers to the inability to recall some aspect of the trauma, restricted range of emotional expression. Perhaps Rock can't quite remember how one of his arms got ripped off, he just knows that one minute he had it, and the next thing he knew he didn't have it.
- Increased arousal/activity. Things such as insomnia, difficulty concentrating, easily startles, increased aggressiveness or irritability.
- Symptoms present for at least a month.
01 | Amnestic Disorder |
02 | Catatonia |
03 | Delirium |
04 | Homicidal Mania |
05 | Lunacy |
06 | Mania |
07 | Manic-Depressive Disorder |
08 | Melancholia |
09 | Suicidal Mania |
Amnestic Disorder
Psychogenic amnesia is caused by psychological reasons. Amnestic disorder is caused by a biological reason. There are two forms of this disorder: retrograde amnesia (characterized by memory loss of events prior to the problem that caused the amnesia), and anterograde (characterized by inability to learn or remember events taking place after the event). The problem is chronic and the person is unlikely ever to recover.
It is up to the individual GM to dictate if any experience levels are lost due to amnesia. Some players may find this hard to take, so GMs should be very careful in implementing level loss. If the GM does so, it is suggested that the character lose only one level. Another problem, unfortunately, is that character who suffers from anterograde amnesia cannot advance in level or learn new skills.
The character completely withdraws from reality. He will sit staring and unmoving, will not react to any outside stimuli, and will eventually die of dehydration if left alone. The catatonic icharacter can be moved, led around, fed, and so forth; but he will do nothing personally. If continually provoke and irrated in order to get a response, there is a 1% cumulative chance per round that the character will react with homicidal mania (see insanity). Once provaction ceases, the catationa returns.
This disorder involves a temporary state in which a person's thoughts, level of consciousness, speech, memory, orientation, perceptions, and motor patterns are very confused, unstable, or otherwise grossly disturbed. The person may also experience delusions and/or hallucinations, as well as emotional disturbances (anxiety, euphoria, etc.). Delirium is caused by a change in brain metabolism.
This can be caused by brain damage from head injury, drugs, fever, and others. It has a quick onset and a brief duration, usually and it rarely lasts longer than a month because the person either naturally recovers, or dies from the underlying physical condition. GMs should be very careful in killing off a character with this insanity.
Homicidal Mania
The character appears absolutely normal. He will behave with what seems to be complete rationality, and nothing unusual will be noted regarding the individual - except he will occasionally manifest an unique interest in weapons, poisons, or other lethal devices (but for adventurers this may seem normal). The insanity causes the character to be obsessed with the desire to kill. The desire must be fulfilled periodically. Once a week the character must make a successful Insanity check or go kill. If prevented from killing, the frustrated individual will become uncontrollably maniacal and attack the first person he encounters, widely seeking to slay. After a kill, the character will fall into a fit of melancholia (see insanity) for 1d6 days before returning to a homicidal state once again.
The violent and often homicidal state occurs whenever the moon is full, or nearly full. The GM may allow the character to make a Sanity check on full moon nights to keep from flipping out. The character will generally behave as one in a maniacal state, with paranoid, hallucinatory, or homicidal tendencies. When the moon is absent or in its first or last quarters, the character will be melancholic. At other times, he will be relatively normal - perhaps a bit suspicious and irascible.
The character must make a Sanity check everyday. If he fails then he freaks for 2d6 turns. The character (roll 1d6) will become hysterical (1-2), enraged (3-4) or completely maniacal (5-6). The character will shriek, rave, and behave in a violent manner. His strength will increase by 2d2, dexterity by 1d2, and constitution by 1d2. The maniac is unreasoning when spoken to, but he will posses great cunning. The afflicted will desire to avoid or to do something according, but not necessarily appropriate, to the situation at hand. When the maniacal state passes, the afflicted will not remember his insane actions and will not believe that he is insane.
Manic-Depressive Disorder
This alternating insanity form causes the afflicted to swing from one state to the other in 1 to 4 day intervals. When excited, the character must make a Sanity check. If he fails, he becomes maniacal (see mania insanity). When disssapointed or frustated the character must make a Sanity check. If he fails, he becomes melanchlic (see melancholia insanity). Thus in addition to the usualy 1-4 day cycle of mainta-depression, he can jump from one state to the other depending on outside stimuli.
Similiar to dementia praecox, this malaody makes the afflicted giveen to black moods, fits of brooding, and feelings of hopelessness.. Everytime a siutation presents itself, the character must make a Sanity check or have a fit of melancholia.
Suicidal Mania
The character has overwhelming urges to destroy himself whenever means are presented - a perilous situation, a weapon, or anything else. The more dangerous the situation or item, the more likely the individual is to react self-destructively. Use a scale of 10% to 80% probability, and if the afflicted does not react suicidally, then he will become melancholic for 1d6 days. If he is frustrated in suicidal attempts, then the character will become maniacal for 2d4 turns, and then fall into melancholy for 2d6 days.
01 | Hebephrenia |
02 | Multiple Personality / Split Personality |
03 | Schrizophrenia |
04 | Psychogenic Amnesia |
05 | Fugue |
The character will withdrawl from the real world. He will wander aimlessly, talk to himself, giggle and nutter, and act childishly - sometimes even reverting toi such a state as to disire to play childish games with others. This insanity is constant, but if suffciently irriated by somebodu nearby, the character is 75% likely to become enraged and maniacal, attackibng the offender fiercly. If the character does not not become so enraged, he will become catatonic for 1d6 hours and then revert to hebephernic behavior once again.
Multiple Personality / Split Personality
Having multiple personalities is considered to be a mental illness which shows itself with the different attitudes of the person. This is especially dangerous to the balance of a game. Careful consideration is required on the GM's part. This insanity often manifests itself in mages and psionics, when mental strain is part of everyday life.
Also this sanity manifests itself in a person who experiences severe and protracted trauma. During the experience the person dissociates during the trauma (like self-hypnosis, escape mentally if you can't escape physically). Now during this period of dissociation period an alter steps in and develops a memory -personality. For example, if Rock was captured during a raid and was tortured daily, when the torturer walks into to give Rock his daily beating, Rock disassociates and an alter steps in. It must also be noted that people with this illness can function perfectly normal in society or it can totally hinder their ability to function properly in society.
"Host" or "core" refers to the real person, there is only one host personality. "Alter" refers to all other personalities present. There are two common personality types: the victim (the personalities of an abused person), the protector (the personalities keeps the host from acting on self-damaging behavior).
The number of personalities the character depends of on the severity of what causes the insanity to manifest itself. If the cause was relatively mild, the character only gets one or two additional personalities. For very harsh, traumatic experiences, the character gains multiple personalities. A character can have no more than seven additional personalities.
A personality takes complete control over the person's behavior. Therefore, only one personality can be in control at one time. Switching personalities can happen at completely random intervals. However, being in tense situations (like combat) can trigger a change to another personality. When a GM deems that the character is in such a situation, the character must make a Sanity check or switch to another personality.
The transition from personality to personality is subtle and quick. Physical clues of transition are fluttering eye lids, eyes roll up in head, and/or a small head jerk (like a flinch when startled or suddenly coming out of a doze). A new personality can actually be of a different class and have different ability scores. For example, an insane fighter can enter combat, switch personalities, and begin casting spells because he now is a mage. On the same token, he could believe he is just a 10 year old girl (with an Intelligence to match).
Another personality that may develop is one that already exists. That is, a personality of somebody else such as an adventuring comrade, a high official, etc..
The GM should develop tables for a player to roll on to find out which personality is currently active. The GM may want to make certain personalities more popular than others. Co-consciousness is the phenomenon that allows the personalities to talk to each other. However not all personalities may be known of, this explains some of the bouts of amnesia that people with this insanity often report. After every personality switch, the character has a percentage chance equal to his Intelligence of becoming aware of one of the other personalities. When personalities meet (i.e. in the mind), the character becomes paralyzed for 1d6 hours, while both sides are trying to take control of his mind.
The following list of symptoms are often found this insanity: depression, substance abuse, sleep disturbances, somatoform disorders, severe headaches, suicidal/self-mutalative, anxiety, intrusive images/flashbacks, amnesia/blank spells, auditory hallucinations.
Psychogenic Amnesia
The individual is unable to remember important facts of personal importance (details and experiences). There are three types of psychogenic amnesia:
- Localized amnesia (the most common) - The individual forgets all events during a specified time interval. This period usually follows a distressing event.
- Selective amnesia - A survivor of a flood may remember going to the hospital but not how he got there.
- Continuous amnesia - The person can't remember anything from a certain date to the present. For example, a war veteran may remember his childhood up to the point of going into the service, but has forgotten everything that has taken place after that.
Psychogenic Fugue
The person becomes confused about personal identity, and suddenly and unexpectedly travels to another place. The person may assume another identity. Once the fugue has passed the person can't recall what happened during the fugue. This is rare and often passes quickly.
A variation could be that the character never recovers from the fugue and travels to a far off land only to join a certain party of characters. This could easily explain why the oriental is travelling with the Westerners.
This insanity manifests its effects in a personality loss. The afflicted has no personality of his own, so he will select a role model and make every attempt possible to become like that character. Selection will based upon as different a person as possible with regard to the insane character. Thus an insane mage will begin to follow the habits of a fighter, for example, dressing and speaking like that character and seeking to be like him in all ways.
01 | Avoidant Personality Disorder |
02 | Dementia Praecox |
03 | Dependent Personality Disorder |
04 | Histrionic Personality Disorder |
05 | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder |
06 | Paranoid Personality Disorder |
07 | Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder |
Avoidant Personality Disorder
The character with avoidant personality disorder refrains almost entirely from social encounters. He feels if he goes out he'll cause some catastrophic situation. He desires no relationships. He likes to be alone.
Dementia Praecox
The afflicted character will be quite uninterested in any undertaking when suffering from this form of madness. Nothing will seem worthwhile, and the individual will be continually filled with lassitude and a tremendous feeling of ennui. No matter how important the situation if the character fails a Sanity check, he is will choose to ignore it as meaningless to him.
Dependent Personality Disorder
The character is strongly attracted to others. He feels like he can't make the most simple decisions without others help. For example, Rock doesn't believe he can pick his clothes for the day without his mother's opinion.
Histrionic Personality Disorder
The character shows extreme emotions for the sole purpose of the effects it has on others and not expression of feelings. He also expects others to fulfill his expectations, but he has no concern for others. He resents people who are more beautiful, successful, etc.. The term comes from the Greek legend of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection in the pond.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
The character is not like the obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder, this character is a perfectionist. He concerns himself with schedules and is very methodical. For example, Rock will refuse to start a meeting until the exact second it was scheduled to meet.
Paranoid Personality Disorder
The character with this insanity is extremely suspicious and is always on guard against danger. It is impossible for him to trust others, and he always project blame on others.
Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder
The character cannot express his anger appropriately. He is either conniving or very outward. Either way he expresses his anger in very spiteful ways.
01 | Alignment Change |
02 | Delusion Control |
03 | Delusion Granduer |
04 | Delusion Infidelity |
05 | Delusion Nihilism |
06 | Delusion Persecution |
07 | Delusion Poverty |
08 | Delusion Reference |
09 | Delusion Self-Blame |
10 | Delusion Somatic |
11 | Delusion Thought Broadcasting |
12 | Delusion Thought Insertion |
13 | Delusion Thought Withdrawal |
14 | Induced Psychotic Disorder |
15 | Hallucinatory Disorder |
16 | Megalomania |
Alignment Change
The character suffers a major alignment change. The GM can decided what the character's alignment becomes. Chaotic Neutral is typical of an insane person however a GM may wish the alignment to be completely opposite of the character's original alignment.
Delusion Control
The character has the feeling that one is being controlled by others, or even by machines or appliances.
Delusion Granduer
The character has grossly exaggerated conception of the individual's importance. He is convince that he is a famous figure such as a monarch, deity, or similiar personage. Those who "fail" to recognize the afflicted as such will incur great hostility. In normal affairs, the character will seem quite sane, but he will act approrate to a station which he does not actually have and tend to order arounf actual and imagenery creatures, drawe upon monies and items which do not exist, and so on.
Delusion Infidelity
The character has a false belief usually associated with pathological jealousy. The belief that spouse or lover is unfaithful with no reason or evidence.
Delusion Nihilism
The character has the feeling that one's self, others, or the world is nonexistent. Commonly feelings of unreality or the feeling that one is in a dream.
Delusion Persecution
The character has the belief that another person or persons are trying to inflict harm on the individual or his family.
Delusion Poverty
The character has the belief that the he has no material possessions of value. When confronted with the real value he may say that it's not his or insist on its worthlessness.
Delusion Reference
The character has the belief that the actions of others is somehow personal references to him. For example, the nobleman goes to opera and believes the opera is telling the story of his life.
Delusion Self-Blame
The character has the feelings of remorse without justification. For example, a man may feel responsible for a famine because of some sin he committed.
Delusion Somatic
These delusions are much more psychotic than the somatoforms to be discussed! Inappropriate concerns about one's own body typically relating to some disease. Without justification a person may feel his liver is missing, or ants have invaded his brain.
Delusion Thought Broadcasting
The character has the ideas that his thoughts are being broadcast to others. For example, a man believes everyone in the room can hear what he's thinking.
Delusion Thought Insertion
The character has the belief that thoughts are being inserted into his mind by outside forces.
Delusion Thought Withdrawal
The character has the belief that thoughts are being extracted from his mind.
Hallucinatory Disorder
The character sees, hears, aqnd otherwise senses things which do not exist. The more exciteding or stressful the siutation, the more likely the indivudual is to hallucinate. When in such a situation, the character must make a succsfdul Sanity check or halluncinate. Commion halluinations are: ordinary objects, which do not exist, people nrearby or passing when there are none, voices giving the character information ot insttructions, abilities or form which the character does not really have (strength, sex, wings, etc.), threatening creatures appearing from nowhere, etc.. Unless stimulated or under stress, the character acts normal. Hallunicnations will then commence and continue for 1d20 turns after the excitment/sstress passes. This malody is often confused with some great ability to see into the ethereal plane.
Induced Psychotic Disorder
A person develops the disorder by being in close relationship to a psychotic person. That means if the character knows someone who is psychotic, chances are he'll develop that same psychosis.
With this insanity, the insane character will be absolutely convinced that he is the best at everything: the smartest, wisest, strongest, fastest, handsomest, and most powerful character of his profession. The character will take immediate umbrage at any suggestion to the contrary, and he will demand the right to lead, perform any important act, make all decisions, etc..
01 | Dipsomania |
02 | Kleptomania |
03 | Monomania |
04 | Pyromania |
05 | Pathological Gambling |
06 | Pathological Liar |
07 | Sado-Masochism |
08 | Trichotillomania |
09 | Intermittent Explosive Disorder |
This mild insanity form manifests itself periodically. About once per week, or whenever near large quantities of alcoholic beverages, the afflicted will begin drinking excessive quantities of ale, beer, wine, or like spirituous liquors. The player questions the GMs decision, the GM should require an Sanity check. Such drinking will continue until the character passes out. It is 50% likely that the dipsomania will continue when he/she awakens if anywhere near alcohol, 10% likely otherwise (in which case the individual will seek to find drink and become violent if denied).
This mild insanity manifests itesslef in an ardent diser, in this case an uncontrollable urge to steal ant small objects avaiable. Kleptomaniacs steal things not on a whim or out of economic need, but persistent urges to steal. The targets can be the market, work, or people. It is not the value of the object that matters. There is usually a lack of interest in the stolen item after its stolen. Once a day, the character must make a Sanity check. If he fails, he must steal something. There is a 90% proabalbity of being seen stealing (if the character isn't a thief) if the character is being observed. Some GMs may require the character to become a thief and drop the current class. Kleptomaniac thieves have a -10% on their staeling ability due to the overpowerinhg urge to immedialtely steal an item.
The character will seem absolutely normal until presented with an idea, goal, or similar project which seems promising or purposeful to him. As of then, the character will become obsessed with the accomplishment of the purpose. He will think of nothing else, talk of nothing else, plan and act to accomplish nothing save the fixed end. The character will brook swerving from any friend or associate, and he will insist that such individuals serve the "cause" with the same the dame devotion that the afflicted shows. Hostility and violence could result, and certainly not a little suspicion and mistrust if co- operation is not inherit. Once the desired end has been accomplished, the insane character will manifest symptoms of dementia praecox.
Fire fascinates many people, but it fascinates no one more than a pyromaniac. He has a compulsive urge to set fires deliberately. He often enjoys watching his fires, too. Motivation is not criminal or financial. Once a day, the character must make a Sanity check. If he fails, he must set fire to something. The bigger the fire, the better he feels.
Pathological Gambling
A person with this disorder may lie, cheat, steal in order to fuel his habit. The person is driven to the big win and believes he can make up the losses easily. Whenever a character is near a gambling situation or can make such a situation, he must make an Sanity check. If he fails, he must gamble.
Pathological Liar
A person with this insanity makes outrageous statements regarding his abilities, possessions, experiences, or events. Whenever anything important or meaningful is discussed or in question, the character can not tell the truth, and not only will he lie, but do so with the utmost conviction, absolutely convinced that the prevarication is truth. "Yeah, that's the ticket..."
This insanity is coupled with maniacal urges and behavior. The character is equally likely to be in a sadistic or masochistic phase. When sadistic, the victim of this insanity has a desire to physically hurt and (and probably kill) living things. When masochistic, the victim of this insanity has a desire to be physically hurt. Normalcy returns for 1 to 3 days. Note that friends and associates do not matter to the afflicted individual, nor do enemies.
Trichotillomaniacs have the urge to pull out their hair. People become so obsessed with removing body hair they fail to realize they are marring their appearance by giving themselves bald spots, or removing their eyebrows. These people often times suffer from anxiety disorders and are potential substance abusers.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
These people are unable to hold back urges of rage brought on by no apparent reason. They are very aggressive and destructive.
01 | Bitchamania |
02 | Coprophilia |
03 | Exhibitionism |
04 | Fetishism |
05 | Foulmouthia |
06 | Geroniophilla |
07 | Innecrophilia |
08 | Masochism |
09 | Mirusmania |
10 | Necrophilia |
11 | Nymphomania |
12 | Pedophilia |
13 | Periculuphilia |
14 | Pigmalionism |
15 | Sadism |
16 | Unus-????mania |
17 | Uridpsomania |
18 | Voyeurism |
19 | Zoophilia |
This insanity can only manifest itself within females. Males should reroll for another insanity. Females with this insanity suffer the effects of The Bitch Rule.
This bizarre insanity causes the character to have an uncontrollable desire to eat the lees (the sediment of a liquid) of the sexual partner. If the partner is diseased (hopefully a sexual one), then the insane person's chance of contacting the disease is doubled and should be checked after each feast.
This insanity causes the victim to have a fascination of being observed while nude or having sex. The more who witness the person the better. The person must exhibit himself/herself a minimum of 1d10+4 times a week. A few examples are to have sex in a public places, flash people, streak, etc..
The victim has a fascination and desire to have sex only if a specific object is in his/her possession or if possible the object is used in the act (like rods, rings, balls).
The victim has an uncontrollable desire to say something perverse when he/she sees somebody of the opposite sex. When the victim sees such a person, he/she must make a Wisdom check with a -3 modifier. Failure and the victim says something profane. If the player can't think of anything, he/she can roll on the Sexist Quotes table found later in this guide.
This insanity causes the character to strongly desire sex with older people (a minimum of 1d4 times per week). The older person must be at least be twice the character's age and is 50% of the time a three times the character's age (if possible).
This insanity causes the character to have an obsessive fascination with the undead. This obsession extends to the point of engaging in sexual intercourse with undead creatures when the opportunity arises. When coming across undead the afflicted character is 75% likely not to cause harm to the undead. Furthermore, he/she is 50% likely to rape unintelligent undead or seduce (to the point of begging) intelligent undead. The GM and players can see the dangers of a character desiring the likes of a vampire.
This insanity causes the character to like to be hurt by the partner (normally a sadistic one), using the same ways as the sadism. In other words, he/she likes to be on the receiving end of physical pain during sexual encounters.
This insanity causes the victim to desire to have weird sex (although some characters may already do weird things). Some examples are during fly, jump spells; while polymorphed or ethereal; in strange places like a dungeon, temple, tree; under the influence of transmute flesh to spells. The GM and player should flesh out this insanity for good role-playing purposes.
This insanity causes the character to have an obsessive fascination with death and corpses. This obsession extends to the point of engaging in sexual intercourse with a corpse. The afflicted character is 50% likely to attempt a sexual act with a corpse of the opposite sex when such an opportunity arises. Thus, a character adventuring in catacombs may sneak away from the party for a quick interlude with the dead. This insanity could reach a point where the character keeps a supply of dead handy to serve his/her purposes.
Sex! Sex! Sex! This insanity manifests itself in an ardent desire, in this case an uncontrollable urge to have sex (lots of sex). The afflicted will furtively attempt to seduce a person of the opposite sex, whenever the opportunity presents itself, and he/she will usually seek out such opportunities. The afflicted must have sex a minimum of 1d10+10 times per week. Not getting the minimum weekly requirement causes the person to gain an accumulative +1 to constitution, but lose an accumulative -1 to intelligence and an accumulative -1 to wisdom until relief presents itself. Other problems could be continuous dissatisfaction, inability to prioritize, egotistic view that everyone wants it, patronizing view that all need to be defiled by sex because they are naturally evil, or that he/she is doing people a "favor". He/she will not go to the extent of rape or molesting, but hiring prostitutes is not above the insanity.
This insanity causes the character to strongly desire sex with younger people (a minimum of 1d4 times per week). The younger person must be at least be half the character's age and is 50% of the time a fourth of the character's age. Of course this insanity can cause a lot of trouble with governmental laws on statutory rape.
This strange insanity causes the inflicted to have a desire for sex only in dangerous situations and places. When in such a situation, the character is 50% likely to go into a sexual frenzy in which he/she must have sex immediately, preferably with a close sexual partner. Thus, a character will usually have such a partner along with him/her when adventuring. Note the afflicted must have this dangerous sex a minimum of 1d4+1 times per week. Not getting the minimum weekly requirement causes the person to gain an accumulative +1 to constitution, but lose an accumulative -1 to intelligence and an accumulative -1 to wisdom until relief presents itself. Some examples of dangerous situations and places would be when he/she is surrounded by a few dragons, in front of a angry lich, or maybe in any battle he/she is involved in.
This insanity causes the character to have an obsessive fascination with statues because they are cold, have hard muscles, nice form, unemotional, etc.. This obsession extends to the point of engaging in sexual intercourse with a statue (if physically possible). The afflicted character is 50% likely to attempt a sexual act with a statue when such an opportunity arises. Thus, a character adventuring in temple may sneak away from the party for a quick interlude with the a lovely statue. This insanity could reach a point where the character collects statues to serve his/her purposes. The ideal partner would be a golem or enchanted statue.
The victim of this insanity has a desire to physically hurt the person which he/she is having sex with. This attack can be done by various strange ways like whipping, kicking, chaining the partner, etc.. This insanity could reach a point where the character, under a orgasm, kills the engaged person.
This insanity manifests itself in an ardent desire and obsession, in this case an uncontrollable urge to have sex with a particular type of creature. The afflicted will furtively attempt to seduce this type of creature (still of the opposite sex), whenever the opportunity presents itself, and he/she will usually seek out such opportunities. He/she will not desire to have sex with any other, even his/her own species; and will actually reek at the thought. When he/she has sex with such a creature, he/she likes the creature to do weird things relative to the creature's abilities and talents (see example below). Of course some creatures maybe harder to get a hold of then others. The table below is small and simplistic, GMs may add any creatures he wants. Roll (1d20) on the following table to get the type of creature that is desired:
Roll | Name | Type of Creature |
1 | Daemon | Demons 1 |
2 | Dimidiuselfe | Half-Elf |
3 | Divus | Deities, Demigods, ect |
4 | Draco | Dragons 1 |
5 | Druidae | Druid |
6 | Elfe | Elves 1 |
7 | Giant | Giants 1 |
8 | Gnome | Gnomes |
9 | Gobla | Goblins |
10 | Gole | Golems 1 |
11 | Halfine | Halflings |
12 | Homo | Humans |
13 | Lycanthrope | Lycanthropes 1 |
14 | Magus | Mages |
15 | Nanus | Dwarves 1 |
16 | Nequam | Rogues |
17 | Ogra | Ogres |
18 | Pugna | Fighters |
19 | Sacerdos | Clerics |
20 | Vates | Bards |
1can be specific sub-type
Example: A person with unus-sacerdosmania insanity will have a desire to have sex with clerics. When having sex with cleric, he/she might want the cleric to pray. A person with unus-pugnamania will only have sex with fighters and might want the fighter to punch, scratch, and wrestle during sex. A person with unus-vatesmania will only have sex with bards and might want the bard to sing during sex.
This bizarre insanity causes the character to have the desire to drink the urine of his/her partner. Check for an unhealthy disease each time he/she drinks.
The person affected by this insanity only has pleasure from observing the other's sexual organs or people having sex, especially in secret.
This insanity manifests itself in an ardent desire and obsession, in this case an uncontrollable urge to have sex with a particular type of normal animal. The afflicted will furtively attempt to seduce this type of animal (still of the opposite sex), whenever the opportunity presents itself, and he/she will usually seek out such opportunities. He/she will not desire to have sex with any other, even his/her own species; and will actually reek at the thought. The table below is small and simplistic, GMs may add any animals he wants. Roll (1d20) on the following table to get the type of creature that is desired:
Roll | Animal | Roll | Animal |
1 | Dog | 11 | Mule |
2 | Horse | 12 | Wolverine |
3 | Pig | 13 | Rhinoceros |
4 | Cat | 14 | Hippopotamus |
5 | Monkey | 15 | Boar |
6 | Bear | 16 | Bull |
7 | Elephant | 17 | Buffalo |
8 | Skunk | 18 | Goat |
9 | Camel | 19 | Sheep |
10 | Lion | 20 | Roll twice - ignore this |
Dyssomnias are sleep disturbances interfere with quantity and quality of sleep. Parasomnias make up nightmares, wake-ups of screaming, and sleep walkings which is most common in children. The character experiences a sleep disorder every night.
01 | Dream Anxiety Disorder |
02 | Hypersomnia |
03 | Insomnia |
04 | Sleep-Schedule Disorder |
05 | Terror Disorder |
06 | Sleepwalking Disorder |
Dream Anxiety Disorder
The character experiences nightmares on a repeated basis. The dreams are very distressing. An adventurer can have some real nasty ones.
This is when the character never feels rested. He often has problems getting up in the morning.
This is the chronic inability to get sleep. The character may have difficulty falling asleep. He may wake up frequently or have a full night's sleep but not be rested.
Sleep-Schedule Disorder
This is basically "jet lag" in a chronic course. There is a mismatch between body sleep rhythms and the demands of their environment.
Sleep Terror Disorder
The person wakes up suddenly and in pain from a sound sleep. There are physical and psychological conditions involved. The physical conditions include sweating, increased heart rate, and gasping for breath. The person is hard to calm and is often confused or disoriented. Most people do not remember night terrors.
Sleepwalking Disorder
The person is unresponsive to others and their attempts to awaken him. He does not remember sleep walking.
Somatoform disorders involve psychological conflicts transferred into physical conditions.
01 | Hysterical Neurosis / Conversion Disorder |
02 | Body Dysmorphic Disorder |
03 | Hypocondriasis |
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
The character feels his body is defective or ugly. This is similar to the somatic delusion, but is not quite as psychotic.
The character feels that he has a serious illness or disease, when he is experiencing normal bodily functions. This is different from conversion disorder because he does not have unexplainable medical symptoms, and he does not experience la belle indifference. No amount of reassurance will relieve him of his fears.
Hysterical Neurosis / Conversion Disorder
This disorder involves the translation of unacceptable drives or troubling conflicts into physical symptoms. The person is not intentionally producing the symptoms. However a medical basis for symptoms cannot be found, and it is assumed that the person is converting psychological conflicts or need into a physical problem. Once the psychological problem passes to the physical side, it is no longer a source of mental stress for the person. This is called la belle indifference or "beautiful lack of concern". They often dismiss it, even if it's incapacitating. For example, before the big game the quarterback's hand becomes paralyzed.
Conversion disorders fall into four categories: motor disturbances (tremors, paralysis), sensory disturbances (hearing loss, tunnel vision), symptoms simulating physical illness (involve conversions that mimic the actual symptoms of a physical illness), symptoms complicating physical illness (complicate or delay physical recovery from a physical disorder).
A phobia is an intense, abnormal, or illogical fear of something. Almost everybody has things that they are afraid of to one degree or another. Even great adventurers can have a intense fear of something.
Due to the complexity and extent of Phobias, they deserve their own section.
Whenever a character is insane, he has other problems besides his insanity. He suffers from a few minor problems as well.
Distraction: Small pieces of conversation make the character go off on humerous (but somewhat annoying) sidetracks. For example, "Fish? I like fish, fish boiled, fish fried, fish grilled with a spicy sauce, fish soup, fish for breakfast, fish for lnuch, fish for snacks..."
Relationship mistakes: The character has a percentage chance equal to his Sanity attrbute to permanently alienate someone due to strange behavior or unpredictable bad attitude.
Magical wild spurts: The insane mage has a chance for a spell to become slightly twisted when cast. The GM determines the effect but the more bizzare the better. For example, the mage casts magic missiles but instead shoots forth magic flowers. The GM should not necessarily penalize the character. The bizzare effects can be beneficial (but still strange).
Prayer misunderstandings: If an insane cleirc tries a prayer, there is a percent chance equal to 10 times the character's Insanity attribute of the cleric's deity not answering the request for spells. There is an equal percent chance the the call will be answered by the diety of insanity. The deity of insanity doesn't exactly give the cleric the spells he wants.
Transfer Insanity
Level: 3
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 turns per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Save: Neg.
Any mage suffering from an insanity can temporarily give this affliction onto any living creature for the spell duration after which time he gets it back.
This spell brough to you by Mike Jones.
Schizophrenia Projected Image
Level: 6
Range: 10 yards / level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Save: Special
The spell creates an alter ego of the person. The duplicate will take on the schizoid-ego of the caster. The duplicate can perform any action that the mage can including spell-casting and combat. The mage can communicate via telepath with the duplicate. The image does not have to be within the mage's view to continue to exist.
The duplicate can cast the spells that the mage has memorized. Of course the mage loses the spells then. However each can cast spells independent of each other. The major power of the duplicate is that he can destroy the life force of a living being within spell range by willing it. The victim gets a Will Save. Success and he suffers 3d6 points of damage. Failure and he dies.
There is a few side effects to this power. First, the mage cannot control if the duplicate will use it. The mage can only point out his enemies to the duplicate. Secondly, when the duplicate uses the ability, the mage must make a Sanity check. If he fails, the spell ends, he goes insane and becomes his Schizophrenia alter ego.
Schizophrenia projected image requires the material component of a clay image of the mage that must be torn in two pieces.
This spell brough to you by Mike Jones.
Cure Insanity
Sphere: Healing
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Save: None
This spell enables the caster to possibly cure insanities by placing his hand upon the insane creature. When casting, the priest must make an Sanity check. If the check is successful, the insane patient is cured of his insanity and all is well. If the check is a failure, the insanity of the patient is transferred into the caster.
Cause Insanity
Sphere: Necromancy
Level: 5
Range: 5 feet per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Save: None
This spell enables the to caster cause insanity in a creature. Roll in the Insanity Table to decide which insanity the victim gets. For every level of the caster, the player may move up or down on the Insanity Table, this giving him a small choice of what insanity to inflict. When the caster becomes 9th level, he may choose the insanity of his victim.
Split Personalities
Level: 9
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Save: Neg.
One form of insanity is the Multiple Personality / Split Personality Dissociative Disorder. A person with this inasanity has individual and distinct personalities within. This spell serpeates the multiple personalities and puts each one into an actual physical body. Thus, if the spell is cast on a insane person with three personalities (including his normal one), two physical bodies contain two two of the personalties will manifest.
A new personalty will not necessarily get a physcial body identical to the insane victim. The new body tends to reflect the personality.For example, if one of the persnoalities is that of a 12- year old girl, then a 12-year old girl is where the personality will reside now.
Each personality gets a save. If it fails, the personality remians in the insane person. If succseful, the personlaity gets a new physical body.
Shouldn't the sanity of a character be left to the player and not to the whim of the GM?
If a GM is blessed with true role-players, then the GM may not need the Sanity attribute as the role-players welcome insanity without having rules to tell them so. However, most players don't do things that may put their character at a disadvantage. With the insanity attribute, the players have fair rules that dictate advantages and disadvantages to their characters.
A RPG character is suppose to be a great hero of adventure and not an average citizen. Should he be so acceptable to insanity?
A character was an average citizen who changed his lifestyle to go adventuring and should be treated no different. In fact, he is in odd situations while adventuring that would make him more suggestible to insanity.
Cloak of Schizophrenia (cursed)
When worn, this cursed cloak cannot be removed without the use of magic. When a person puts on the cloak, he gets the Schizophrenia insanity with delusions of grandeur. The cloak will also create illusions to assist in the new personality. Thus, if the new personality is that of a lich, the cloak will create the illusion of a lich to accompany the personality.
If the curse is lifted and the cloak is removed, the character must make a Sanity check. If it fails, the character keeps Schizophrenia.