Aragon's Armaments

From Traykon Campaign Setting
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Legendary Items Magic Items
Divine Artifacts Cursed Items

These items were rumored to be worn by Aragon shortly after his escape from the great prison where he was kept for uncounted eons. When he first excaped that place, he wore a form without shape or definition. Aragon, the very embodiment of chaos flew throughout the planes and where his shadow passed, the realms tembled. The new gods who had arisen since the Time of Imprisonment banded together against the great shadow that was Aragon. Without form, the great god could not strike back at those who lashed out against his power and tried to destroy him or force him back into prison.

It was then that Aragon noticed the mortals who were not fleeing from the battle. The great god first took notice of the worship and adulation directed toward his terrible power. This was the time of choosing, where the Elder God Aragon chose to concentrate his power into the form of a warrior king, destroying and replacing the mortal form with a form chosen by the god for his great purpose. Aragon chose to take up the mantle of war and bring destruction to all the realms. His new form imbued the accoutrements of of the warrior king with much of his newly defined power. After destroying the legions brought against him, Aragon shed his form once more and flew to a hidden refuge to plan for his conquest of creation. The items imbued with his power were scattered throughout the universe, spreading his influence and power wherever they surfaced.

Legend has it that the Armaments of Aragon have only been brought together as a whole two times since their creation. Once by a great demon queen who thought to challenge Aragon, but yet ended up enchanted by his power. This demon lord gave birth to Lyranis and herself was a great proxy of the god who took the Godslayer Wars to many worlds before her final defeat. The second time the items were compiled together was by the great priest Morval who used the powers granted by the Armaments to join Aragon in his divine war of conquest. Morval was forced to scatter the Armaments as a condition of the creation of Traykon.

Helm of Furor

This greathelm contains the power to protect the wearer's body and soul from maelific influence. The wearer gains:

  • Cold Resistance: 25
  • Fire Resistance: 25
  • Electrical Resistance: 25
  • Electrical Resistance: 25
  • Poison Resistance: 25

Two Pieces

Wearer gains immunity to feeblemind, confusion, fear, and charm

Three Pieces

Wearer gains immunity to all forms of psyonics and thought detection spells.

Four Pieces

Wearer gains Regeneration 2.

Five Pieces

The wearer can use detect thoughts at will. Furthermore, he can send a telepathic message to anyone whose surface thoughts he is reading (allowing two-way communication).

Nether Carapace

This jet black suit of +5 steel plate armor constantly smells of charred metal and has many jagged, serrated projections protruding from the surface. Aside from granting a high armor bonus, it also comes empowered with the Grinding and Unbound special abilities.

Armor Bonus Maximum Dex Bonus Armor Check Penalty Arcane Spell Failure Chance Speed Weight
+9 (+14) +1 –6 35% 20 ft 50 lb.

Two Pieces

The armor gains the Fortification (75%) special ability.

Three Pieces

The armor gains Fire Resistance 40. The weight of the armor is cut in half and the max dexterity bonus is increased to +3 while the armor check penalty is cult in half.

Armor Bonus Maximum Dex Bonus Armor Check Penalty Arcane Spell Failure Chance Speed Weight
+9 (+14) +3 –3 35% 20 ft 25 lb.

Four Pieces

The color of the armor changes to a dark red that seems to pulse. It also gains the Ghost Touch special ability.

Five Pieces

Once the whole set is brought together the armor begins to send off tendrils of smoke as if it were burning. Anyone who graples with someone within the armor suffers 1d4 fire damage due to the heat emitted. The wearer can Enlarge Person at will.

Darklight Gauntlet

In reality these are a pair of metal bracers which grant the wearer amazing abilities. When worn, the wearer gains a +2 Strength enhancement and a +2 Deflection bonus to AC.

Two Pieces

The wearer gains a +2 competency bonus to Attack and Damage. The wearer gains one extra attack at his highest base attack.

Three Pieces

The Strength enhancement bonus increases to +4 and the Deflection bonus to AC increases to +4.

Four Pieces

The wearer gains an additional +2 competency bonus to Attack and Damage.

Five Pieces

The wearer of the Gauntlets gain SR 30. Attacks made by melee weapons do an additional 2d6 crushing damage.

Holocaust Brogan

These jet black metal boots are similar to the Nether Carapace in that they constantly smell of charred metal. They also have the disquieting effect of leaving behind burnt prints in their wake whenever they are in use. The wearer gains fire resistance 10 and can walk atop lava and magma as if subject to the water walk spell. When the wearer runs or charges, smoke issues up from the boots, acting as concealment (20% miss chance) when the wearer provokes attacks of opportunity while making those actions.

Two Pieces

The wearer walks on a cushion of force without actually touching the ground. The wearer must still be above a roughly horizontal surface. This means that the wearer can cross non-solid or unstable surfaces such as water and can move without leaving tracks on any sort of ground.

Three Pieces

The wearer's movement speed is doubled.

Four Pieces

On command, the wearer can leap off from the surface and walk on air, without having to maintain concentration, as if affected by a fly spell (including a +4 bonus on Fly skill checks). The wearer can use this ability five times per day for up to 10 minutes per flight.

Five Pieces

Once the boots are attuned to a location, once per day as a full-round action, the wearer, along with anything she is wearing or carrying, teleports back to the attuned location as the getaway spell, except that no allies are teleported when the boots are activated even if they were in the area when the boots were attuned to their location. Once the boots are attuned to a location, they continue to be attuned to the same location until they are attuned to a new location.

Aragon's Blade

This sword was the inspiration of the Rift Blade but is infinitely more powerful. This War Sword has a +6 magical enhancement with the Anarchic, Ghost Touch, Keen, Planar, Speed, and Vicious abilities.

Two Pieces

When coupled with a second piece of the Armament, the weapon loses it's Vicious property. Aragon's Blade also gains the ability (the same as inspired the Rift Blade) of opening a Planar Rift. Instead of being activated by channeling energy, the Planar Rift can be activated at will once per turn. There is also no need to roll a Will save to control the rift as the wielder decides if only the target or those within 10 ft are affected.

Three Pieces

A third piece of the Armament gives the Blade the additional power of Negating and doubles the base damage of the weapon.

Four Pieces

Adding a fourth piece of the Armement grants the Blade the Vorpal ability. The wielder also has a 50% chance of sending the target of the Planar Rift to a Plane of his choosing.

Full Set

When all five pieces of the Armaments are brought together, Aragon's Blade gains power benefiting a god. The magical enhancement bonus increases to +8; the weapon does an additional +10 damage of acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic simultaneously; the wielder gains full control over the Planer Rift ability and can do the following:

  • Decide which plane of existence the rift opens upon.
  • Choose to include all enemies within 30 feet of the target.
  • Choose to include ALL entities within 50 feet (including wielder) within the rift.
  • Choose to send the target to The Void (only the target and not a group)
  • Activate the Planar Rift ability at will (still no more than once per turn) as a form of Plane Travel.


It is believed the only way to destroy Aragon's Armaments is to send it to The Void. Since the only known way to the void is guarded by The Unnamed One, one of Aragon's allies, it is a difficult task. One could always use the abilities of the full set to send themselves to The Void but that would mean the end of their existance as well. However, since this has never been tried it is not guaranteed that the set would accompany the wearer into oblivion.