Order of the Cockatrice

From Traykon Campaign Setting
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Order of the Asp
Order of the Beast
Order of the Blue Rose
Order of the Cockatrice
Order of the Dragon

Order of the Eastern Star
Order of the Green
Order of the Guard
Order of the Lion
Order of the Scales

Order of the Seal
Order of the Shield
Order of the Shroud
Order of the Star
Order of the Sword

Order of the Eclipse
Order of the Songbird
Order of the Warrior
Ronin/Knight Errant
Order of the Tome

Edicts: The Cavalier must keep his own interests and aims above those of all others. He must always accept payment when it is due, rewards when earned, and an even (or greater) share of loot. The Cavalier must take every opportunity to increase his own stature, prestige, and power.

Challenge: Whenever an order of the cockatrice Cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on all melee damage rolls made against the target of his challenge as long as he is the only creature threatening the target. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the Cavalier possesses.

Skills: An order of the cockatrice Cavalier adds Appraise (Int) and Perform (Cha) to his list of class skills. In addition, an order of the cockatrice Cavalier adds his Charisma modifier to the DC on another creature’s attempt to demoralize him through Intimidate (in addition to his Wisdom modifier, as normal).

Order Abilities: A Cavalier that belongs to the order of the cockatrice gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Braggart (Ex)

At 2nd level, the Cavalier can spend a standard action to extol his own accomplishments and battle prowess. He receives Dazzling Display as a bonus feat. He does not need a weapon in hand to use this ability. The Cavalier receives a +2 morale bonus on melee attack rolls made against demoralized targets.

Steal Glory (Ex)

At 8th level, the Cavalier can steal the glory from another creature’s successful strike. Whenever a creature other than the Cavalier scores a critical hit against a target that the Cavalier is threatening, he can make an attack of opportunity against the same target.

Moment of Triumph

At 15th level, the Cavalier can, as a free action, declare a moment of triumph. For 1 round, the Cavalier receives a competence bonus equal to his Charisma modifier on all ability checks, attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. This bonus is also added to his AC. In addition, any critical threats he makes are automatically confirmed. The Cavalier can use this ability once per day.